Organisations need to ensure they have a consistent message
One of the keys to ensuring effective employee relations is to have strong organisational values, a panel of HR directors told delegates at the CIPD’s annual conference, in Manchester.
Ann Brown, UK SVP for HR at Capgemini, pointed out that her company’s values statement reinforces the fact that people are its most important asset, adding: “In Capgemini they really are. We manufacture nothing. The only thing we have is people and their capability.”
Wendy Cartwright, HR director for the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), which was responsible for developing and constructing the permanent venues and infrastructure for this year's Olympic and Paralympic Games, talked about the importance of driving the values into the supply chain – and of ensuring organisational messages were heard.
Health and safety, for instance, was crucial to the ODA: despite 46,000 people working on the Olympic Park and Village across the lifespan of the project, there were no fatalities and no reportable injuries. “Safety was the number one priority,” she said. “That message was consistent."
Guy Pink, HR director of substance misuse charity Addaction, added that his organisation was very clear what its values were and had worked with staff and stakeholders to identify them. “We don’t have vast inconsistencies where behaviour is allowed in one part of the organisation but not another,” he said.
The panellists also recognised the value of effective relations with unions, where they are recognised.
Debra Cadman, HR director for Capgemini, said her organisation’s consultative model had evolved to the point where it now had seven separate UK consultation groups with both union and non-union members, in addition to the UK and international works councils.
“I don’t think the unions ever expect HR to be on their side, but if you build the right relationships then you can have very honest conversations about people,” she said. “The relationship building between HR and unions is essential.”
Cartwright added: “There are good and bad trade union representatives. A good one can be really, really helpful.”